Improve Search Performance with Semantic Search

Introducing Semantic Search - an advanced search technology designed to understand and interpret user natural language queries. Unlike traditional keyword-based search, Semantic Search goes beyond just looking at the words you use. It understands what you mean and look for, by turning your words into a mathematical form (vector embeddings) that captures the full idea, delivering more results - precise and context-aware and of course personalized!!

Using Semantic Search does not mean that you have to forfeit our advanced business logic, you can still apply complex query rules to filter or promote results and use boosting to reflect item popularity or highlight key attributes.

How does it work?

Key Business Benefits

Improves Accuracy: By understanding the meaning and context of queries, semantic search delivers more accurate and relevant results.

Enhance User Experience: The search engine can comprehend complex queries and provide precise answers.

Better Handling of Ambiguity: Semantic search effectively handles contextual clues to infer the most likely meaning.

All-in-one solution: Within one comprehensive solution we offer precise search engine, with deep contextual understanding by semantic search, with state-of-art recommenders’ system and advanced business logic layer

Feature Highlights

  • Semantic understanding: Deeper semantic understanding to interpret user intent.
  • Synonym recognition: Automatic recognition of product synonyms and related terms.
  • Hybrid search mode: Combines the strengths of keyword and semantic search to deliver the best of both worlds.
  • Test and compare: Built-in A/B testing feature to compare semantic search with keyword search. - Preview and comparison: Visual and descriptive contrast between traditional keyword and advanced semantic search methods.
  • Preview and comparison: Visual and descriptive contrast between traditional keyword and advanced semantic search methods.
  • User interface adjustments: Options to enable/disable semantic search, toggle between keyword and semantic search

Best Practices

Implementing Synerise Semantic Search correctly involves several key steps and considerations to ensure optimal performance and user satisfaction. Follow these best practices to leverage the full potential of semantic search.

Comprehensive Product Descriptions

Ensure every product in your item feed has a comprehensive and detailed description. Usually, a few sentences.

Include relevant attributes such as size, color, material, use cases, and unique features.

Use natural language to describe products, avoiding jargon and overly technical terms where possible.

Enable Hybrid Search Mode

Use the hybrid search mode to combine the strengths of keyword and semantic search.

Example: A search for "summer dresses for beach vacation" should return results for both specific keywords like "summer dresses" and semantically related items like "lightweight sundresses."

Set up Semantic Search Searchable Attributes

Select the attributes that provide the most descriptive information about an item, typically the title and description fields.

A/B Testing and Preview

Conduct A/B tests on different search index configurations (keyword vs. hybrid) to determine the best-performing setup.

Use the integrated preview and comparison tools to analyze the results in a single view.

Example: Test the effectiveness of semantic search on queries like "laptops for graphic design" versus traditional keyword search and compare user engagement metrics.

Performance Monitoring

Regularly monitor the performance of your semantic search implementation.

Use analytics to track search success rates and user satisfaction.

Example: Track metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and search abandonment rates to gauge the effectiveness of semantic search.