Mobile & Web Push Testing Simplified

We are introducing a new functionality to our Mobile and Web Push notifications - a feature allowing users to conduct simple tests on push notifications. Now you can easily assess your campaigns before launching them, guaranteeing precisely adjusted messaging and enhanced campaigns for the best effect.

Feature Highlight

The inclusion of this new feature enables testing your campaigns without the need to fill out all campaign sections. You can test and preview your communication while you work on them or browse through your campaign list. All scenarios are rendered in real-time on actual customers, and the outcome of sending a test message appears immediately in the profile's event stream.

How to Use Simple Testing? 

Template Library

For example, you want to check how a new template for mobile push with an abandoned cart notification will look for your customer. All you have to do is go to the Testing section within a campaign or Test message directly from the campaign list. If your message has more than one variant, select the variant of the message that you would like to use for testing. Then, add a relevant recipient and send it to observe how the message works in real time. 

Check the video below for a step-by-step guide on accessing and utilizing the new testing functionality within the Synerise app. 

Key Benefits: 

  • Real-time deliverability: watch as the message content comes to life in real time, complete with all the dynamic elements and logic from your creative scenario.
  • Easy set-up shortening the testing path: the new functionality saves time by providing a straightforward testing process. 
  • Test messages are not counted towards capping limits: you can conduct thorough testing without worrying about exceeding your message limits or affecting your campaign's overall performance.
  • Targeted Testing Efficiency: save your recipient list for easy access in future campaigns, eliminating the need to manually select them each time. 
  • Enhanced Communication: testing leads to better communication strategies, resulting in higher engagement rates. 

For more detailed information about testing refer to our User Guide.